Interest-Free Lending
Why Loans?
By offering loans rather than charity, Hebrew Free Loan of San Diego helps people become, and remain, self-sufficient. While the philosophy is simple, it is based on a biblical mandate from the Lord to the Jewish people. “If there will be among you a needy person, from one of your brothers in one of your cities, in your land the Lord, your G-d, is giving you, you shall not harden your heart, and you shall not close your hand from your needy brother.” – Deuteronomy 15:7
This is the foundation and the inspiration for our work.
Our Mission
To aid and empower members of the San Diego Jewish community* to help themselves by providing affordable interest-free loans in accordance with core Jewish values of dignity, respect, compassion, and confidentiality.
*Jewish community includes households with at least one self-identifying Jewish person and others who are employed by local Jewish communal organizations.
To be a perpetual source of funding for members of the San Diego Jewish Community to meet financial challenges, to pursue their dreams, and become self-sufficient.
Loans are made prudently and with guarantors to ensure the recycling of funds for the continuity of community assistance.
Helping Dreams Come True
We Provide Loans and Promise Dignity.
Hebrew Free Loan of San Diego (HFLSD) offers cost-free, interest-free loans to the San Diego Jewish Community, fostering financial stability and opportunity. HFLSD loans make an immediate difference in the lives of our borrowers, enabling them to invest in their education, family development, start a business, meet emergency expenses, and much more.

Loan Programs
Find cost-free, interest-free loans that meet your needs.

How to Apply
A step-by-step guide to applying for a Hebrew Free Loan of San Diego loan. Get the financial help you need quickly and easily.

Support Jewish San Diegans in need with your tax-deductible donation. Your support empowers members of the San Diego Jewish community for generations to come.
Hear directly from HFLSD loan recipients to learn how their loan empowered them on their path to financial security.
Asking for help is never easy.
Here is a short video on the importance of having a guarantor.

Help US Help Others
With your support (financially and through spreading the word about Hebrew Free Loan San Diego), our recycling loan dollars will be able to provide interest-free loans to Jewish residents of San Diego County for decades. If you would like to make a donation or tribute to Hebrew Free Loan San Diego, click here:
Please refer others in our San Diego Jewish Community to Hebrew Free Loan San Diego if they may benefit from our loans.
Hebrew Free Loan of San Diego is a member of the International Association of Jewish Free Loans (IAJFL). The IAJFL is a network of more than 50 Jewish/Hebrew Free Loan Societies throughout the world with the common goal of providing interest-free loans to those in need. If you do not live in San Diego County, check out the IAJFL website to find your nearest free loan agency!